Results for 'H. I. D'arcy'

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  1.  24
    The true and the false in darwinism (continued).Eduard Von Hartmann & H. I. D'arcy - 1879 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 13 (2):139 - 150.
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    Place-Names and the date of Aristotle's Biological Works1.H. D. P. Lee - 1948 - Classical Quarterly 42 (3-4):61-67.
    I start with two contradictory statements: Jaeger, Aristotle, p. 330: ‘Thus all indications point to a late date for the origin of the philosopher's zoological works.’ D'Arcy Thompson, Historia Animalium, Prefatory Note: ‘It can be shown that Aristotle's natural history studies were carried on, or mainly carried on, in his middle age, between his two periods of residence at Athens.‘.
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    Mauz̤ūʻāt-i Qurʼān aur insānī zindagī.K̲h̲vājah ʻAbdulvaḥīd - 2009 - Islāmābād: Idārah-yi Taḥqīqāt-i Islāmī.
    Islamic ethics in the light of Koranic teachings.
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  4. al-Niẓām al-dākhlī li-ḥarakat Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʼ.Khayr Allāh Saʻīd - 1992 - Dimashq: Dār Kanʻan lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Nashr.
  5. al-Ḥudūd wa-al-furūq.Saʻīd ibn Hibat Allāh ibn al-Ḥusayn - 1995 - Bayrūt: Majmaʻ al-Buḥūth al-Islāmīyah lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Nashr. Edited by Ghulām ʻAlī Yaʻqūbī.
  6. Madkhal li-dirāsat al-qānūn.Khālid ʻAbd Allāh ʻīd - 1980 - [S.l.],:
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  7. Istinbāṭāt al-salaf min al-Qurʼān al-Karīm allatī tatʻalaq bi-al-tarbīyah wa-al-sulūk min Kitāb al-Durr al-manthūr lil-Suyūṭī: jamʻan wa-dirāsah.Ḍayf Allāh ibn ʻĪd Rifāʻī - 2021 - al-Dammām: Dār ibn al-Jawzī lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  8. Qaḍāyā al-ightirāb fī al-fikr al-siyāsī wa-al-ijtimāʻī.Hishām Maḥmūd Aqdāḥī - 2012 - Iskandarīyah: Muʼassasat Shabāb al-Jāmiʻah.
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  9.  27
    Ονοσ: Ανθρωποσ.D'Arcy W. Thompson - 1945 - Classical Quarterly 39 (1-2):54-.
    In my translation of the Historia Animalium, now thirty-five years old, I pointed out a couple of passages where νθρωπος stood in the text though νος seemed to be the appropriate word. It had not occurred to me for the moment, though it soon after wards did, that ανος was at hand to account for so curious a misreading. The same contraction has other misreadings to account for, as we may read in Cobet; but I do not know that this (...)
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    Taḥtawī Hadhihi al-Majmūʻah ʻAlī arbaʻ kutub: al-Manṭiq al-Islāmī, Sharḥ al-qaṣīdah al-muzdawajah fī al-manṭiq lil-raʼīs Ibn Sīnā, al-Ilḥād fī mīzān al-fiṭrah wa-al-ʻaql, Iḥāʼāt min Kitāb Maṣraʻ al-ilḥād.ʻAlī ibn Sālim ibn Ḥammūd Rawāḥī - 2022 - [Muscat?]: [Publishr Not Identified].
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  11. God and the struggle for existence.Charles Frederick D'arcy, Burnett Hillman Streeter & L. Dougall - 1919 - New York,: Association press. Edited by Burnett Hillman Streeter & L. Dougall.
    Introductory, by B. H. Streeter.--Love and omnipotence, by C. F. D'Arcy.--The survival of the fittest, by Lily Dougall.--Power, by Lily Dougall.--The defeat of pain, by B. H. Streeter.
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  12.  41
    Hesychiana.D'Arcy W. Thompson - 1946 - Classical Quarterly 40 (1-2):44-.
    βρυχεδανς : πολυφγος, ο δ μακρς. For μακρς read μργος. ζγγος· τν μελισσν χος, κα τν μοων. L. and S. translate literally, ‘humming of bees, etc.’; but to buzz or hum is not a common property of insects, it is peculiar to a few. For τν μοων I suggest τν μυιν. ζγγος refers especially to the buzz, or ‘ping’, of a mosquito , LL. zanzara; cf. Cassiodorus ‘Ciniphes genus est culicum, fixis aculeis permolestum, quas vulgus consuevit vocare zinzalas’; and in (...)
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    A Descriptive Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in "The Itccharam Suryaram Desai Collection" in the Library of the University of Bombay.H. I. Poleman & H. D. Velankar - 1954 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 74 (3):183.
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  14. Sharḥ al-qaṣīdah al-muzdawajah fī al-manṭiq lil-raʼīs Ibn Sīnā.ʻAlī ibn Sālim ibn Maḥmūd al-Rawāḥī - 2022 - In ʻAlī ibn Sālim ibn Ḥammūd Rawāḥī (ed.), Taḥtawī Hadhihi al-Majmūʻah ʻAlī arbaʻ kutub: al-Manṭiq al-Islāmī, Sharḥ al-qaṣīdah al-muzdawajah fī al-manṭiq lil-raʼīs Ibn Sīnā, al-Ilḥād fī mīzān al-fiṭrah wa-al-ʻaql, Iḥāʼāt min Kitāb Maṣraʻ al-ilḥād. [Muscat?]: [Publishr Not Identified].
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    Ciris.D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson - 1925 - Classical Quarterly 19 (3-4):155-.
    My colleague, Professor W. M. Lindsay, invites, or challenges, me to reply to his note on ‘Ciris’ ; I can but take him at his word.Professor Lindsay seeks to identify the two birds Haliaetus and Ciris, and finds the task an easy one; he identifies Ciris with a Tern confidently and categorically. We learn ‘from Gallus' epyllium … that it was a sea-bird with red legs, so rapid in flight that it always evaded the swoop of the sea-eagle. What can (...)
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  16.  33
    Theism and Recent Philosophical Speculation.C. F. D'arcy - 1932 - Philosophy 7 (27):255 - 266.
    The recent speculation which I have in view is that which finds its inspiration in the great development of scientific discovery and scientific thought in our day. It would be impossible to range over the whole field. Moreover, the efforts which have been made to frame a comprehensive scheme of thought on the foundation supplied by science are those which are truly characteristic of our time. In recent years, science has been passing beyond the experimental stage, and also beyond the (...)
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  17.  31
    Disappearing and reappearing differences in drug‐eluting stent use by race.Jerome J. Federspiel, Sally C. Stearns, Kristin L. Reiter, Kimberley H. Geissler, Matthew A. Triplette, Laura P. D'Arcy, Brett C. Sheridan & Joseph S. Rossi - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (2):256-262.
  18.  54
    Does One Size Fit All? Examining the Differential Effects of IS Security Countermeasures.John D’Arcy & Anat Hovav - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (S1):59-71.
    Research from the fields of criminology and social psychology suggests that the deterrent effect of security countermeasures is not uniform across individuals. In this study, we examine whether certain individual characteristics (i. e., computer self-efficacy) or work arrangement (i. e., virtual status) moderate the influence of security policies, security education, training, and awareness (SETA) program, and computer monitoring on information systems misuse. The results suggest that computer savvy individuals are less deterred by SETA programs and computer monitoring, while these countermeasures (...)
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  19.  29
    Merops Aliaeqve Volvcres.D' Arcy W. Thompson - 1926 - Classical Quarterly 20 (3-4):191-.
    In his last ‘Gleanings from Glossaries’Lindsay quotes, andascribes in part to Donatus, the Servian scholium on Verg. G. IV. 14: meropes rusticae fbarbarost appellant… sunt autem uirides earum pennae, et uocantur apiastrae quia apes comedunt. Lindsay obelizes barbaros, ‘because there is no other record of birds called by this name, except Probus' scholium: Meropes dicuntur aues quas in Italia uocant barbaros, etc.’ After quoting the Berne scholium, ‘Meropes tGalbeolif, ut putat Tranquillus,’ andIsidore's statement, ‘Meropes, eosdem et tgaulosf,’ Lindsay comes to (...)
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  20.  10
    al-Makhraj al-waḥīd: malḥamat al-khalāṣ bayna qalaq al-saʻy wa-madad al-waḥy.ʻAbd Allāh ibn Saʻīd Shahrī - 2020 - London: Takwīn lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Abḥāth.
    Islamic philosophy; God (Islam); religious life, Islam, customs and practices; Islam and science.
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  21. Nūr al-Tahz̲īb, Pushto sharḥ, Sharḥ al-Tahz̲īb.Waḥīd Allāh Ḥaqqānī - 2002 - Peṣhawar: Maktabah-yi Raḥmāniyah.
    Commentary on Nūr al-Tahz̲īb, textbook taught in Maddrassa (religious schools) in Pakistan by religious scholar from Peshawar, Pakistan.
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    Symposium: Can Individual Minds Be Included in the Mind of God?Hastings Rashdall, J. H. Muirhead, F. C. S. Schiller & C. F. D'arcy - 1919 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 2 (1):109 - 158.
  23. Iḥāʼāt min Kitāb Maṣraʻ al-ilḥād.ʻAlī ibn Sālim ibn Maḥmūd al-Rawāḥī - 2022 - In ʻAlī ibn Sālim ibn Ḥammūd Rawāḥī (ed.), Taḥtawī Hadhihi al-Majmūʻah ʻAlī arbaʻ kutub: al-Manṭiq al-Islāmī, Sharḥ al-qaṣīdah al-muzdawajah fī al-manṭiq lil-raʼīs Ibn Sīnā, al-Ilḥād fī mīzān al-fiṭrah wa-al-ʻaql, Iḥāʼāt min Kitāb Maṣraʻ al-ilḥād. [Muscat?]: [Publishr Not Identified].
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    Madkhal naẓarīyat al-qīyam: al-mudarakāt al-jamāʻiyah.Saʻīd Khālid Ḥasan - 2015 - al-Rabāṭ: Dār al-Amān.
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  25. al-Thanawīyah fī al-tafkīr.Ḥasan Saʻīd Karmī - 1977 - Bayrūt, Lubnān: Dār al-Aḥad.
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  26. Marxism as a Learning Process: The Epistemic Rationality of Precedential Reasoning.Stephen D'Arcy - manuscript
    My aim in this paper is fairly modest. I obviously do not claim that there has never been or could never be an instance of irrational or fallacious appeals to quotations from canonical sources in the marxist tradition. Instead, I claim that the practice of using quotations from canonical sources is not, as such, irrational. If we understand the epistemological infrastructure of the practice -- the rational underpinnings of it -- we can grasp how these citations appeal to the presumptive (...)
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  27.  2
    Athar al-Fārābī fī falsafat ibn Khaldūn: dirāsah taḥlīlīyah muqāranah lil-uṣūl wa-al-muʼaththirāt al-falsafīyah al-Fārābīyah fī al-fikr al-Khaldūnī.Ḥamīd Khalaf ʻAlī Saʻīdī - 2006 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Hādī lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    al-Muḥākamah al-ʻādilah amām al-maḥākim al-jināʼīyah wa-al-duwalīyah =.Saʻd Allāh & ʻUmar Ismāʻīl - 2014 - al-Jazāʼir: Dār Hūmah lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    Criminal jurisdiction; international criminal courts.
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  29. Les responsabilités médicales.Saʻīd Ḥikmat - 1962 - Londres,: Sun Publishers.
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  30.  12
    Digarīstan: sanjish-i khirad-i Bahāʼī.Maḥmūd Ṣabāḥī - 2022 - Köln: Forough.
    Om Blandt andet kampen mod bahāʼī i Iran, og om fundamentalismens tankegange, som er bange for kvinder, hvis de ikke er det svage og det tredje køn i samfundet, derfor undertrykker de dem og begrænser deres rettigheder.
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  31. Abū Ḥayyān al-Tawḥīdī: al-Muqābasāt: faṣl al-dīn ʻan al-dawlah, faṣl al-dīn ʻan al-falsafah.ʻAbd al-Razzāq ʻĪd - 2001 - Dimashq: al-Ahālī.
  32.  22
    Reaction time measures of feature saliency in a perceptual integration task.I. H. Fraser & D. M. Parker - 1986 - In H. Ellis, M. Jeeves, F. Newcombe & Andrew W. Young (eds.), Aspects of Face Processing. Martinus Nijhoff. pp. 45--52.
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    Conversion and Religious Identity in Buddhism and Christianity.John D'Arcy May - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):189-192.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Conversion and Religious Identity in Buddhism and ChristianityJohn D'Arcy MayA Benedictine abbey that has been involved in exchanges with Buddhist monks since 1979 was an appropriate setting for serious discussion of double identity and change of identity between Buddhists and Christians. The European Network holds its conferences every two years, and after experiencing the Benedictine hospitality of St.Ottilien once again it was decided that every second conference should (...)
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    Eighth Conference of the European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies: St. Ottilien, Germany, 11–15 June 2009.John D'Arcy May - 2010 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 30:189-194.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Eighth Conference of the European Network of Buddhist-Christian StudiesSt. Ottilien, Germany, 11–15 June 2009John D’Arcy MayWith a higher proportion of Buddhist participants from Europe, Asia, and the United States than ever before, the European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies at its 2009 conference in the Benedictine Archabbey of St. Ottilien near Munich addressed the question of authority, both spiritual and temporal, in the two traditions. There seems to have been (...)
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    Dioscoride Latino : Materia Medica. Libra primo. A cura di H. Mihӑescu. Pp.viii + 72. Jassy: A. A. Terek, 1938. Paper. [REVIEW]D'Arcy W. Thompson - 1939 - The Classical Review 53 (2):88-88.
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  36.  46
    Selections from Greek Mathematics Ivor Thomas : Selections illustrating the History of Greek Mathematics. With an English translation. In two volumes. I. From Thales to Euclid. Pp. xvi+505. (Loeb Classical Library.) London: Heinemann, 1939. Cloth, 10s. (leather, 12s. 6d.). [REVIEW]D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson - 1940 - The Classical Review 54 (3):149-150.
  37. No man is an island: HIV/AIDS and the G8.H. Janjua, D. Postigo, R. Rowden, I. Viciani, J. C. Cohen, P. Illingworth, N. Daniels, D. W. Brock, D. B. Resnik & C. C. Macpherson - 2003 - Developing World Bioethics 3 (1):27-48.
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  38. al-Manṭiq al-Islāmī.ʻAlī ibn Sālim ibn Maḥmūd al-Rawāḥī - 2022 - In ʻAlī ibn Sālim ibn Ḥammūd Rawāḥī (ed.), Taḥtawī Hadhihi al-Majmūʻah ʻAlī arbaʻ kutub: al-Manṭiq al-Islāmī, Sharḥ al-qaṣīdah al-muzdawajah fī al-manṭiq lil-raʼīs Ibn Sīnā, al-Ilḥād fī mīzān al-fiṭrah wa-al-ʻaql, Iḥāʼāt min Kitāb Maṣraʻ al-ilḥād. [Muscat?]: [Publishr Not Identified].
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  39. Tajdīd-i ḥayāt-i maʻnavī-i jāmiʻah.Javād Saʻīd Tihrānī - 1977 - [Tihrān?]: Fajr.
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    The Mind of the Ancient World. A Consideration of Pliny's Natural History. Pp. xv + 302; frontispiece. By H. N. Wethered. London: Longmans, 1937. Cloth, 12s. 6d. [REVIEW]D'Arcy W. Thompson - 1938 - The Classical Review 52 (1):41-41.
  41.  15
    Agape: An Ethical Analysis.Gene H. Outka - 1972 - Yale University Press.
    This study is the most comprehensive account to date of modern treatments of the love commandment. Gene Outka examines the literature on agape from Nygren's Agape and Eros in 1930. Both Roman Catholic and Protestant writings are considered, including those of D'Arcy, Niebuhr, Ramsey, Tillich, and above all, Karl Barth. The first seven chapters focus on the principal treatments in the theological literature as they relate to major topics in ethical theory. The last chapter explores further the basic normative (...)
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  42.  73
    Human dignity, human rights, and religious pluralism: Buddhist and Christian perspectives.John D'Arcy May - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):51-60.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Human Dignity, Human Rights, and Religious Pluralism:Buddhist and Christian Perspectives1John D'Arcy MayThe question of how the concept of human rights—so crucially important for the implementation of justice in a rapidly globalizing world—relates to the plurality of cultures and religions has still not been solved. Controversies such as those over land rights in Aboriginal Australia and Asian values in Southeast Asia have shown this repeatedly. In such cases, discussion (...)
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  43.  9
    Andīshahʹhā-yi Ṣadrāyī dar āyinah-i nigāh-i muʻāṣir.Ḥamīd Riz̤ā Yūsufī & Mahdī Iṣfahān (eds.) - 2018 - Tihrān: Pigāh-i Rūzigār-i Naw.
    Ṣadr al-Dīn Shīrāzī, Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm, -1641--Criticism and interpretation. ; Islamic philosophy.
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  44. Mushkilat al-maʻād fī al-fikr al-falsafī al-Islāmī: dirāsah taḥlīlīyah.Ayād Karīm Ṣalāḥī - 2011 - Baghdād: Bayt al-Ḥikmah.
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    Andīshah-i siyāsī-i mutafakkirān-i Musalmān =.ʻAlī Akbar ʻAlīkhānī, Sumayyah Siyāhʹpusht, Mahdī Ṣāliḥī, Saʻīd Raḥīmī, Ḥabīb Ilāh Mihrʹjū, Zahrā Ṣābirī & Sumayyah Taṣdīqī (eds.) - 2011 - Tihrān: Pizhūhishkadah-i Muṭālaʻāt-i Farhangī va Ijtimāʻī.
    jild-i 1. Az ʻAbd al-Ḥamīd Kātib (59 Sh.) tā Abū al-Ḥasan Masʻūdī (336 Sh.) -- jild-i 2. Az Abū al-Ḥasan ʻĀmirī (291 Sh.) tā Abū al-Faz̤l Bayhaqī (465 Sh.) -- jild-i 3. Az Nāṣir Khusraw (383 Sh.) tā Sadīd al-Dīn ʻAwfī (616 Sh.) -- jild-i 4. Az Najm al-Dīn Rāzī (553 Sh.) tā Fakhr al-Muḥaqqiqīn (748 Sh.) -- jild-i 5. Az ʻUbayd Zākānī (670 Sh.) tā Jalāl al-Dīn Sayūṭī (884 Sh.) -- jild-i 6. Az Rūzbihān Khunjī (825 Sh.) tā Shaykh (...)
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  46.  17
    al-Ārāʼ al-tarbawīyah li-Ibn Ḥazm al-Andalusī wa-taṭbīqātuhā.ʻAbd al-Ḥamīd Saʻīd ʻAlī Mālikī - 2022 - Jiddah: Sharikat Takwīn lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
  47.  4
    ʻAvāmil-i fahm-i matn: dar dānish-i hirminūtīk va ʻilm-i uṣūl-i istinbāṭ az dīdgāh-i Pul Rīkūr va Muḥaqqiq Iṣfahānī.Ḥamīd Riz̤ā Ḥasanī - 2010 - Tihrān: Hirmis.
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  48. Ilāhīyāt-i dīyāliktīkī: masāʼilī chand az jahānshināsī-i falsafī-i Īrān va shīʻī.Ḥamīd Ḥamīd - 1979 - Pakhsh az Intishārāt-i Sharq,: Intishārāt-i Nigāh ;.
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    Nat︠s︡ionalʹnai︠a︡ stikhii︠a︡ tvorchestva: vremi︠a︡ i transgressii︠a︡: Sbornik stateĭ.H. I︠E︡ Ali︠a︡i︠e︡v & O. D. Masloboeva (eds.) - 2017 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izdatelʹstvo Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo ėkonomicheskogo universiteta.
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  50. Fī al-difāʻ ʻan al-ijtihād wa-al-taḥdīth fī al-fikr al-ʻArabī al-Islāmī: abḥāth muhdāh lil-Ustādh Saʻīd Binsaʻīd al-ʻUlwī.Saʻīd Binsaʻīd ʻAlawī & Kamāl ʻAbd al-Laṭīf (eds.) - 2013 - al-Rabāṭ: Jāmiʻat Muḥammad al-Khāmis Akadāl, Kullīyat al-Ādāb wa-al-ʻUlūm al-Insānīyah bi-al-Rabāṭ.
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